Friday, 22 January 2016

Newnham Riverbank Club

Yesterday was Grandmother’s Day and my Name Day. I didn’t celebrate or anything as hardly anyone over here understands what a Name's Day is. Also, I slept most of the day in order to be more or less awake at work. I finished my shift after 7am and everything was frozen. It looked lovely so decided to visit one of my favourite swimming spot – Newnham Riverbank Club.
For those who know me it should not come as a surprise. I do like wild swimming and quite frankly there is not much around here but river Cam. The problem is the entry to the river. It is terrible in most places. Well… getting in the water is ok but getting out… that’s a completely different story. You are ok if you’re familiar with climbing and if you don’t mind being cover with mud. I was struggling for a long time until I’ve heard of Riverbank Club in Newnham. Apparently it is quite old, I don’t know. Anyway it’s a lovely place. Lot’s of grass to relax in summer and wooden steps/ladder into the water. Great!!! No more mud and climbing!
I’ve been a member for over two years now and I love it. Don’t quite remember how much is the yearly fee, something around £20, which gives you unlimited access to the club grounds. They recently changed the gate and it looks quite posh.

Yeah, I spent hours over there. Swimming, reading, eating, sleeping on the grass (in summer of course), watching full moon on few occasions, dragging my boyfriend to watch full moon with me etc.
So yesterday seemed like a good day to get there and swim a little. Actually I wouldn’t call it swimming; it was more like a longer dip. It was freezing but refreshing somehow. And it looked absolutely amazing.

Ok, I'm going to bed now, another night shift to come. Lullaby seems appropriate right now ;)


Thursday, 21 January 2016

Day 2

It wasn't too bad I guess....

As I'm working nights for the next 4 nights I decided to have a proper sleep today. This means I didn't really get out of bed until afternoon. However I had (in bed) a healthy breakfast of oats soaked with milk with fruits and nuts. When I eventually got up and couldn't procrastinate any more I thought I'll give this running app a go. The whole idea is called Fartlek and more or less requires running slow and fast alternately. Well... can't be that bad I thought. I went for a default mode for beginners. It took about 17 min to complete the first workout but after about ten I was doing: "hard jog", "run" or "sprint" at pretty much similar speed. Never mind... at least I was running, well... it was more like gentle jog. I managed to get slightly lost and it took me another 20 min to get back so overall it was ok. Of course I stopped for coffee halfway through. My second favourite coffee roasting place in Bury - Frank and Ernest. I was really lucky to get coffee as they were closing but the lovely barista said he won't deny anyone to have coffee. What a great spirit!!!!

When it comes to food I made lovely Brussels sprouts soup and even better arroz doce vaguely following the recipe I've learnt in Portugal.
Who said that healthy food needs to look awful???

Despite the look it was quite nice. I remember I hated Brussels sprouts when I was a child but I grew to really like them. And it's the first time I actually used them to make soup.

Ok, now I'm getting hungry again ;)

Not sure what song to "play" for you... let's go for an old, lovely one, shall we?

Słowa napisał Jonasz Kofta (jakby kto pytał) ;)

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

New Year... again...

Hi guys, long time not seen eh?

I really should change all my personal info over here as hardly anything is in date but I'll do it at some point in life.

Welcome... again!

Few weeks ago my boyfriend suggested I sign up for a 10k race. During the next 10 min my thoughts were fluctuating between: "Yeah, I can do it" through: "I need to sign up now or I will find an excuse for not doing it" to: "Jesus Christ!!!". But I did sign up and now it is the time to do something about it. Some training will definitely help as I can barely ran 5k but also loosing some weight would be beneficial. I'm not much of a person who counts every calorie, I'm a person who doesn't think at all about what she eats. I love food and can't help it!!! Unfortunately I made this awful realisation that my diet contains: caffeine (of course), carbs (mostly white bread) and sugar! YAY!!!

So this is to new year, new me thing... I really need to change something! I decided to share it with you lovely people as it might help me to stay motivated. We will see...
Of course I could post my progress on Facebook but it's more private over here and it's not obligatory to read it. Soooo....

After 14h shift I did a "healthy" shopping. Some fruits, veg, brown rice, natural yoghurt, nuts, oats etc. Also downloaded some running app on my phone.
Now... I'm finishing a bottle of wine and while munching on some nuts and chocolate. I don't want to have any temptation left :)

And I will be posting a song by the end of each entry because that's what I've always done and I like it. So... today "Chess" and lovely Kerry Ellis. Enjoy!

Thursday, 1 January 2015

New Year!!!

Happy New Year folks!!!

It's this time of the year when everybody talks about the past year and makes plans for the new one…
So I’m sitting in my bed, drinking coffee, stuffing my face with chocolate, feeling generally happy…
I had a relatively good year, better than I thought it’s going to be even though I haven’t progress when it comes to my job, haven’t progress when it comes to my marital status, haven’t progress at all really… I haven’t done anything significant, anything that changes one’s life, anything overly important...
But then I’ve tried to be a good person in general, worked hard to pay bills, enjoyed myself when I could, swam in cold rivers and lakes, worked hard to get in shape, read books, watched films, got drunk, had sex, spent time with family and friends, met new people, lost contact with some old friends etc… I guess it’s a life. I don’t expect anything extraordinary to start happening from tomorrow. I’m working tomorrow and it’s going to be all the same. I don’t make plans anymore as I don’t keep them anyway and if something happens it happens. I can only hope it’s going to be good.

And this is what I wish you all: don’t make plans, don’t worry, don’t analyze to much, if something has to happen it will happen, and when it happens then you deal with it, live your life, enjoy it, do something new, do something old that you like, eat chocolate, do some workout, read a book, laugh, be happy and be a good person. And frankly… we can’t control much more than that.

'Auld Lang Syne' for you guys

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Night time thoughts...

Sometimes I forget about this place somehow. I feel like I should apologize but after all it's my blog and I haven't signed any contract saying that I will be writing on regular basis... but even so I am sorry for keeping those who are still here waiting.

Again, I don’t want to start telling you what I have been up to since last time because I don’t really remember. Nothing major’s happened really.

On the 1st of December I decided to lose weight and do a little bit of a detox at the same time. I’ve found this really good one week detox program but God it was even hard to read through never mind attempting to do it. I was quite ok at the beginning but right now I’m sitting with honey vodka coffee and a box of plums in chocolate. Great!!! I will start again in the new year, too much nice food around Christmas time even if you are working. Yes, I will be working Xmas but there is nothing I can do about it.

My news of the day is probably organizing my next year trip to Lisbon. I had about 6 days annual leave still to take before the end of March and (as I was late doing so) I didn’t have much choices of when to take it. Anyway I have a week off in February and fancy going somewhere. Hmm... I always fancy going somewhere but never have time or money or both. But if you are on facebook then you would know by now that I’m a genius and managed to ‘organize’ a 4 day trip to Lisbon for about £60. I didn’t think of going there at first. I was just looking for cheap flights in general and Lisbon happened to be the cheapest one. Then I went on my favorite hostelworld website and then it was just dead easy. I must say I’ve never stayed anywhere for less than £7 a night including breakfast but I’m excited!!!   

What else… I can only think about a limited amount of days back so please be patient with me…

I had an Insanity workout earlier today which was great as usual. It’s hard and it’s enjoyable. I actually see the difference in the way I look which makes me really happy. So if you want to try - come along, for details have a look here

I’m starting working nights tomorrow so trying to keep myself awake as long as I can although I might not be too successful as I had to get up at 5:30 this morning. Never mind I will survive somehow. Don’t really have much choice.

How are you guys??? I'd really like to how (roughly) who is still here so PLEASE leave me a comment even if it’s only a short message, even if it’s just your name. Thanks in advance.   

I was also thinking about changing a ‘design’ of my blog. I must update few bits and bobs but I still like the bit about coffee and a coffee shop so probably leave it for good old times’ sake.

Ok folks I’m getting weary and want to post it before I’ll fall asleep (honey vodka coffee works magic if you can’t sleep). It’s a tradition now that I play you something at the end of each post so here… ‘One of these days’ by Gloria from my favorite episode of ‘Tru Calling’. Enjoy!    

Sunday, 14 September 2014

A little bit about everything...

I'm not doing overly good with my blog. Lack of time is my excuse ;).
I own you all an explanation about my facebook farewell. Well... I noticed I was spending to much time on it so decided to remove the app from my phone and use fb at home only. I do apologize if I confused anyone. I will try to write more often over here rather then on facebook and give people a choice of not reading my stuff if they don't want to. I hope that makes sense, a little at least.
So.... I've been working a lot and not much is going on. (This post is going to be so boring).
I had an interesting conversation with colleagues about differences between English men and for instance Polish ones. I've been dating a number of people and everything was pretty much straight forward with most of them except English blokes. Dating Brits is like having 2 relationships. One is in real world and the other is via txt/messengers/emails. In real world you go for a coffee and talk about weather and on line you almost have sex. I understand that it's easier to write things than say them but come on... it's confusing. Well... I don't get it anyway.
Ok, enough about this. I'm still single and I like my own company and if I find someone who I like to spend my time with more than spending it with myself, I might think of changing my status. I think it's a great definition of a good relationship. Someone I know described his marriage in very similar way and I found it so pure, simple and beautiful. But right now I don't understand opposite sex.
What else? Did anyone read "Life and fate" by Grossman. I borrowed it from the library after it being mentioned in "I am China" that I read now. I love reading a book which "talks" about other books. There is nothing better than doing a new TBR list while still reading.
Another news, I'm giving up coffee!!!! I need a detox so I'm exploring different herbal and green teas. So far so good except of headaches but it should not last long. I know this blog started as coffee blog but at the moment it's all over the places. I do apologize for that but I will just wait and see...
Ok, I am going to sleep now.
Almost forgot to "play" you some music. Hmmmm...... talking about relationships, there are 3 songs and each one make me think of a different man that was somehow important to me.
So now... one of these songs for you to enjoy. It was so many covers but I picked this version (It's cheesy but rather nice).
"At times I think we're drifters
still searching for a friend
a brother or a sister
but then the passion flares again..."
Good night x

Friday, 1 August 2014

Feels like an introduction...

Welcome in 2014...
God... it's been such a long time since my last post. I don't even know if anyone still reads it but a warm welcome to those who do. I also welcome those who are here for the first time. I started this blog about 2 years ago but I have been really inconsistent. It gets worse with time. Anyway it's a place where I moan and feel sorry for myself. Well... not very often but this can happen.
Anyway about the blog...
(I don't really know why I give so much introduction, but probably because I feel like I'm doing something new).
I try to keep it bilingual but (warning!!!) my English is not perfect and I do make mistakes. So... each post should be in English and Polish but it's not an exact translation. Ok, I have a feeling I wrote this already once here when I started writing in English as well as in Polish.
Wow.... I don't know where to start. Soooo many things has changed in my life since last year. Just to keep it nice and simple.
- I have moved house
- I have a new job (I did mention that last time)
- I fell in love
- I've been dumped
- I'm rubbish in keeping in touch
- I still do wild swimming
- I've been drinking last two weeks and don't think straight at the moment
Ok, a little bit more...
I still live in Bury St Edmunds but in a different place. It's a nice big room with a nice big bathroom. I can't even say much more as after living like a gipsy for so long I don't get emotionally attached to houses.
Job is great, I like it, like the people I work with, but it's a "normal" work-home, work-home, work-home, day off, day off type of work. It's great but.... you know exactly what's missing. Still, I'm not complaining, not yet....
Love life.... ok, now I'm going to complain!!! Hmmm... maybe not. I can only say that all my life (so far) I've been falling in love with wrong people. Ok, now it sounded like I have been really unhappy most of it. That's not true. First of all I've been single most of my life and I like it. I like spending time with myself, I'm happy on my own and I don't religiously search for Mr Right. So... although nothing has worked out so far and I'm slightly "mad as hell" at the moment I know it will pass and the good memories will stay, especially as I had a great time.
Swimming, although I still do it, hasn't been so great. I think it's because I just don't have time to visit different places so I tend to swim in the same river (river Cam). This is a "normal" life: on my day off I do laundry and clean and do shopping and God know what else. And  there is ALWAYS something to do. I miss those days when on my days off there was absolutely nothing I had to do. Sometimes I feel like that:

Of course I exaggerate a little hehe, but you know what I mean. For instance I need to go, need to be up at stupid o'clock in the morning. No Polish version today, only a song but a GREAT song!!! Enjoy!!!